Monday, July 2, 2007

The trip begins

We started out Sunday morning and pulled out of the RV storage park at 9:30 a.m. Pretty good considering Jeff and Holli came over Saturday night for pitchers of margaritas and nachos. We got to K. Falls around 1:00 and had to stop for gas. I made a major mistake and did not check out the entrance and exits before I pulled to the pump. I am so used to pulling in my car for gas I forget I am pulling a trailer behind me. As I left the gas station I had to circle around the back and there was only one exit and it did not give me enough clearance to turn the trailer. I had to jump the curb to allow enough clearance to get the trailer to make the turn. What a moronic exit this was. Live and learn. I was wondering why I was the only trailer at the pumps. Add this one to the list of things to remember. We found some nice shade and had a sandwich before we headed on to Eagle Lake where we are staying until Thursday. We got to Eagle Lake around 4:30. When I went to check in, the lady at the reservation desk had changed our site number. I asked her why and she didn't know why that had happened. We had checked out the sites in April when we went to Reno for Nationals and had picked this site because we liked that it had lots of trees for shade and was real private. Well it all worked out and we got our original site and set up was super. I was able to pull through even though the site was rated as a backin.

Here are some pictures after we got all settled in.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis & Kristi, Glad you made it to Eagle Lake with only one dilemma to deal with. Good talking to you this morning on the computer, will keep checking back for updates, have fun, Mom

powell300 said...

You mentioned that you liked the mat in front of the trailer. How do you like the mat holders. They are broken pieces of asphalt from the road. hahaha.

Guined said...

Hey is that a Tequila Sunrise in your hand already?

Anonymous said...

Oh darn Dennis, I thought you had found some pretty rocks for my rock garden. Keep your eye out for some, you know you can never have to many rocks!!!!

powell300 said...

YES IT IS. The sun sets very quickly at Eagle Lake. By the way. Just finished a Bloody Mary first thing this morning.

powell300 said...

There are LOTS of lava rock. Also, if you are looking for any Sugar Pine Cones, there are tons of those also.